pussy cat

Good day my beautiful, beautiful little gremlins and welcome to the pages which bear witness to the gradual diminishment of what little shreds of sanity I still reluctantly cling to. I hope this blog finds you all as eagerly awaiting the end of Easter as I for the simple fact that we may all breathe a little easier knowing that the slightest road infringement could incur the loss of our precious vechicular qualifications. Then again, I have quite enjoyed significantly fewer near brushes with death thanks to the almost comical care with which motorists have been driving, it’s quite fascinating watching people who would not usually think twice about cutting a motorcyclist off now actually peer around in something akin to fear. It’s been such a deliciously delightful experience.

But on with the show!

As some of you may have noticed we experienced a few ah, technical issues…….when Boris decided he would take it upon himself to shall we say, “enlighten” you all. Much apologises all around and hopefully you all took it as the joke it was, Boris is such a big pussy cat, he’d never actually toss you into a river……at least I don’t think he would…….

In any case I would like to thank you for bearing with the recent lack of updates and all of us here at Midnight Horizon shall be each spending some time reintergrating ourselves with the interwebs community. Be sure to keep an eye on this space as more pretty little pictures and even some videos shall shortly be making an appearance.




Is Boris again……you all is thinking such as I would make idle threats…….beware fluffy and frightened little rabbits……..Boris keeps Boris’ word……..sleep tight……..

1 Response Subscribe to comments

  1. Anonymous

    Who exactly is "Boris" ?

    May 6, 2011 at 3:56 PM
