Good day and welcome once more to another exciting edition of the Midnight Horizon blog! For the past couple of weeks you may have noticed that we have been extremely quiet and insular in regard to our interwebs activity lately and we would like to apologise to all of you who have any form of OCD who follow the myriad of adventures of us here at Horizon with such dedication and diligence.

All has not been quiet I must assure you, we have been up to our necks in a number of departments, much of it shall remain steadfastly secret for a while yet and we would like to assure you all that we are confident that our plans are almost as delicious as Nanna’s apple pie.

However, for the mean time we have a bunch of new photographs and some short videos that we plan to unveil over the coming week that we hope shall sate your collective appetites for the immediate future. Knuckling down we have confined ourselves once more to both the recording and rehearsal studios,  have numerous new and exciting songs in the pipeline and of course more recordings which we shall be working on in the coming weeks.

