dead worms and cherry pie
Good afternoon my wonderful little cherry pies! I’m deducing that you have all been wondering where in god’s good name have we disappeared to lately?! Well my little minions, if you really must insist on knowing………….haha, not telling! In all seriousness though all of us here at Midnight Horizon have been absolutely swamped lately and as such we haven’t had a chance to update the blog in the past week.
Never fear though my children, we shall be once again resuming our harassment of you all via the interweb with some regularity within the next few days and we shall of course be busy as always, we’re currently working on a bunch of new songs. For those of you who attended our gig at SFX on Saturday the 12th of March we hope that you enjoyed the new tracks that we did reveal that night and for those of you who weren’t there, well, your loss really.
For now I bid all ye farewell!