kev, kesha and jack

Why hello there my little tadpoles, I hope that you are all reading this in good health and that you have enjoyed our most recent activities and shenanigans that we have managed to post. It occurred to me today that whilst we bombard you unashamedly with updates, pictures and videos of all our antics that maybe we should help prepare all of you who are musically inclined for the long, arduous process of recording.

If any of you are like those of us here at Midnight Horizon you will of course finding your mind wandering quite quickly and therefore you must seek some form of entertainment. Juggling fire sticks is a favourite of Dan’s for example whilst Conor sits placidly in a corner until we yell abuse at him. I of course cause general mayhem. Anything from touchy feely adventures right down to the task of wrangling the engineer of the session, hog tying said engineer and proceeding to saddle them up so I can pretend I am Alexander The Great, Julius Caesar or one of multiple ancient persona’s and re-enacting historic events.

However, these activities may or may not suit your individual needs for entertainment so I decided that I might enlighten you all to one of my favourite past times. This of course, is surfing Youtube religiously for hours on end. I thought I might share a clip I found quite intriguing by one of our favorite bloggers KevJumba. It is all based around the lyrical content, or should I say lack of intellect, of Kesha

So enjoy!

