Well my delicate little flowers, here we are once again. You sitting there ogling me through your moving picture screen and I sitting here semi-naked ogling myself. Yes, it’s a vicious, objectifying cycle with my pretty self sitting in the very centre of your pervertification bullseye wearing nothing more than a sock, my mascara and a pink bow……where would you suggest said objects are positioned?
It occurred to me today as I stumbled around my backyard in my semi-nakedness, that I hadn’t written a highly confusing and irrational manifesto in quite some time so I took it upon myself and the various personas that inhabit my metaphysical being to throw you all a curve ball. For this I have a little puzzle for you all. It is as follows.
You can set me on fire but I’ll stay damp, your backwards is my forwards and your sideways is my downwards, I am not a vegetable and I can be used to see through objects, what am I?
Answer this very important question and I shall send you photographs of myself doing things……