Good day ladies and gentlemen, once again I have risen from what you must assume is the grave to deliver yet another action packed blog. As you may have all noticed we here at Midnight Horizon have almost literally disappeared from the face of the interworld as our activity on the web has been sporadic at best. Never fear though, our lack of presence has not been the result of a malady or some form of alien abduction, it has simply been that we have been busy, busy little bees as of late.
Most recently we have completed our second foray into the recording studio to once more lay down the foundations for our second song in as many weeks and this time I am pleased to announced with barely repressed glee that we shall be releasing a new song in the coming month or so as well as one of our venerable old favourites for your aural delight. We were delighted to once again venture into this task with our favourite engineers, Keegan and Adam, who along with our delightful selves wreaked havoc in the studio, not limited to developing a “walking” theme song for Dan, laying down Conor’s drum tracks and a experiment in regard to the recording process. This experiment is not nearly as sinister as you may all assume, we merely decided to approach the session from an older, more adventurous age of recording, harkening back to earlier and arcane techniques. The results were interesting to say the least and greatly insightful.
Amidst all this chaos we also decided to venture into the world of cinematography to a certain extent and in the coming days you shall all bear witness to the amazing world of the drive to and from the recording studio in the early hours of the morning. Such fascinating footage delves into the diet of a musician right through to lengthy arguments about eating utensils.
Further foot notes include our continued adventures in the rehearsal studio, continuing to develop even more tunes for you all to enjoy, moulding said aural delights like soft, moist clay, ripe for the pot makers dirty, dirty hands….wow, that got a tad sexual didn’t it? Are you all, you know…..getting a little warm around the collar if you catch my drift?
For now I bid you all good day. And remember, a 20 cent sized amount of lotion is enough, any more is just wasteful and we all know greed is a great sin……….but who cares! More lotion I say! More! Mwhahaha!