creeping ever closer.
Gather round my most dearest and trusted confidants and I shall share with ye all a tale of such intrigue and mystery, of adventures to amazing and exotic places, places barely touched by mankind for hundreds if not thousands of years………It’s kind of disappointing when I lead you on about what could be the most wonderful phrases that have crossed your pretty little minds in what seems to be an eternity but hey, what can I say? I’m a tease……..
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls that very special time is upon us again! An explosive and action packed Midnight Horizon blog! We have a fair amount of very interesting news for you all today and we are all smirking at the eagerness with which we know you must be creeping ever closer to the edge of your seats with.
First of all, if you have not already noticed the Facebook event, previous blog post and wonderful new poster that Dan has stitched together then I would like to draw your attention to all three items of interest. That’s right! Our first gig of 2011 shall soon be upon us on the 12th of March at SFX from 9pm! We’d love to see you all down there, not just to enjoy a fantastically chaotic show but also to scream abuse and pleasantries at us whilst we perform and we just love to meet new people! So come along and say hi, we don’t bite……..much……..
On another note, we have been wonderfully busy this week. On Tuesday, the wonderful Julia Trotti once again took her sanity into her own hands and played fast and loose with it like the kid down your street who hasn’t yet realised that the rabid ferret he/she is playing with presents a significant health risk. All this in the aspiration of assembling what we like to consider our “humble” little video clip for the track “Do What You Like”. We shall of course keep you all appraised on it’s progress through it’s various stages and as it nears completion we shall of course advise you of a rough release date.
We have also once again hunkered down in the studio, both to whip ourselves into shape for our up coming gig and to also continue rolling out even more songs. With more than a few promising bits and pieces being worked through the various stages, we’re all keenly pushing ourselves to have a few new tracks ready for you all at SFX.
On a final side note, I would like to once again encourage you all to pick a fight with myself or any band member you please via the Facebook account, leave a dirty comment by clicking the blog title and posting in the comment box and post your thoughts on a video blog. This last little point of course is vital as it does influence my final decision on whether or not to do it, don’t disappoint Keegan, he wants to see my smoking, naked body. Don’t believe me? Check out our Facebook page! And of course spread the words to all your friend’s, the more insane the better as crazy people are generally more fun to argue with than all you shy munchkins out there.