nine to fiver.
Well good morning my fluffy little bunnies, today we have a real treat for you all. Now those of you who know the band well shall have undoubtedly heard Matt and Dan discussing how busy they constantly are, what with coping with the world, courses, uni, jobs of all sorts and of course working on Midnight Horizon in a number of ways. Oh and Conor gets kinda busy too.
So in light of this, we’ve been running through the archives that consist of a huge amount of photos and video footage of the band and we thought that we’d finally post a few that dealt with our insanely late rehearsal sessions. Now I know you’re all thinking “God it can’t be that bad, suck it up!” and to all those nay sayers I would reply “Ok, it’s not so bad, I’ve just been up since 6am, been attending lessons for 4 hours of my day, was in the studio for 8 and have just endured a half hour ride though pouring rain to get to rehearsal. The time is now 10pm and we have YET to unload the car.”
I feel it would be fair to say that I may possibly be a bit tired. Anyway, I diverge from my original point which is that even though these rehearsal sessions run until at least 1am and the average time we all arrive home is around 3am, they are where the magic that makes Horizon what it is happen.
So enjoy!